Tutorials that most people would probably need, and don't fit in a specific category
So you've downloaded SolidWorks, now how do you use it?
We are going to provide different tutorials based on how experienced you are at SolidWorks and 3D modelling in general.
Absolute Beginners
The rest of the tutorials we are about to provide are based on which specialty you are joining!
Airframe/Recovery Tutorial Links
Avionics doesn't really use SolidWorks, but we are working on getting PCB design Tutorials!
Payload Tutorial Link
Propulsion Tutorial Link
Simulations Tutorial Links
Some of these videos will be cross-disciplinary, so if any of them catch your interest, give them a watch and practice them!
You should now know at least the basics of how to use SolidWorks! Just keep in mind, the best way to learn is to practice, so boot up SolidWorks and get to it! (Tip: Always keep a mouse on you if you plan on using SolidWorks! It makes it a million times easier.)
You only have to do this once! Follow these instructions carefully and everything will be easier later on.
Before moving forward, make sure you have GrabCAD set up in SolidWorks:
Open up SolidWorks
Make sure that your local GrabCAD folders are up to date
If you don't know how to do this, check out: Using GrabCAD Workbench in SolidWorks
Navigate to Tools>Options
4. In the popup window, navigate to "File Locations"
5. Click "Add"
6. Navigate to the top-level GrabCAD folder "IREC18 Templates"
7. Press OK
Now, when you make a new part, this will show up! You can navigate to the IREC18 Templates Tab and select that drawing template when you make a new drawing.
If you don't see this dialogue, click on "Advanced" in the bottom left corner
You're all set! Now when you make a new part or drawing you should be able to navigate to the IREC18 Templates tab and make a new part just like you would normally.
When you create a part, you can still use the default part template (i.e. just make a part however you would normally). This is only relevant for creating drawings.
Some properties in the title block will be automatically filled. We have already determined which ones will update automagically, so all you need to do is the following:
Double click the title block
Some fields should be highlighted in blue
Edit the blue text boxes
Click outside of the title block
And you're done! It's that easy!