To be performed before all launches to ensure proper recovery setup in rocket.
Recovery will be running a total of 7 pressure and ground tests to analyze the capabilities of the recovery stage separation system.
SRAD Pressure Vessel Testing This test is designed to confirm that the CO2 ejection system is capable of separating the launch vehicle in stage separation.
Proof Pressure Testing This test is designed to confirm that the launch vehicle is capable of withstanding a minimum of 1.5x expected operating pressure for no less than 2x the expected system working time.
Burst Pressure Vessel Testing This optional but highly recommended test is designed to confirm the pressure at which the launch vehicle will either be broken or critically damaged.
Secure Connections Tug Test This test is designed to confirm that all safety critical wiring and cable connections are secured.
Ejection Gas Protection Test This test is designed to confirm that the launch vehicle and its components, including the rest of the recovery system, are undamaged due to stage separation.
Wire Cutters System Test This test is designed to confirm that the wire cutters system is capable of separating the launch vehicle during stage separation.
Explosive Bolts System Test This test is designed to confirm that the back up stage system design of explosive bolts is capable of separating the launch vehicle.